
© 2007 Eladn IT


The links on this page are to sites of people and companies who have provided help, support and advice which has helped us make the move to Oz

This is where it all started.  With a simple on line assessment these people got us on the road to completing the migration process and getting the Visas in our passports.  They offer a complete service which we didn’t take, but their question and answer system was invaluable at the start and helped us ensure our first tentative steps were the right ones.
These guys in Australia are home builders and our contact, Andrew Owen helped get us sorted on the road to buying the land and deciding on the house design, all over the Internet.  He also introduced us to MP Settlements and Resolve Finance mentioned below.  Of all the builders we contacted in Perth, these guys were the ones who went out of their way to help us, I suppose that’s one of the main reasons we went with them.  Well, that and the fact we really like the house we chose.
\working in conjunction with Dale Alcock, and MP Settlements, the people at Resolve worked tirelessly to help us get  everything sorted on time and with no penalties.  It cost us with courier fees when paperwork had to be transported half way across the world but that was kept to a minimum, with nearly all the steps being completed using the Internet and email.  Clair was a brick helping to get everything done.